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               MINISTRY WISE























Putting Things Right


Mend it if it’s broken, but don’t break something

else in the process.


       Making Changes


A fool makes changes.


A wise man makes changes only if necessary, knows when and where

to make them, ensures they are fair to all, and knows when to stop.


Decisions and Plans


Ministers’ opinions matter.


Voters’ opinions matter more.



                         Christmas Wish


                         I've sent a note to Santa,
                         and posted it today.
                         I hope by now it's sorted
                         and safely on its way.
                         If my wish is granted
                         it won't come on a sleigh;
                         nor will I receive it
                         in time for Christmas Day.
                         I've asked for an occasion
                         we know as Voting Day,
                         when we can cross our boxes
                         so the Tories go away.
                         Though this day will come around
                         if we just sit and wait,
                         I'm hoping that old Santa
                         can fix an early date.
                         If he can do magic,
                         as I hope he can,
                         we'll soon make Mr Tory

                         and sad and wiser man.



Disgruntled Voters’ Prayer


















Help us in our struggle
to sort our Commons mess:
We’ve chosen politicians
who could not care less.

Oh! Send us an election
to kick them out the door
before the poor get poorer,
and rich get nothing more.
Grant that when we vote again,
we’ll see through disguise
to choose those who are worthy,
honest, fair and wise.




NHS Cuts
Saturday night in A&E;
government cuts

are plain to see:
So many patients,

no room to spare;
children are crying,

adults in despair.
The few staff on duty

are trying to cope;
of getting seen early,

there isn't a hope.
Sunday, now,

and more of the same:
the sick and the injured

are waiting again.

Monday to Friday

bring clinic cuts, too,
while staff in the theatres

know not what to do:
Surgery's cancelled,

patients sent home,
and ministers wonder

why people moan!
But they don't just sit here

from morning 'til late:
they can go private

and don't have to wait.






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